
xr-scipy wraps some of scipy.integrate functions. Let’s create a simple example DataArray:

In [1]: arr = xr.DataArray(np.sin(np.linspace(0, 6.28, 30)) ** 2,
   ...:                    dims=('x'), coords={'x': np.linspace(0, 5, 30)})

In [2]: arr
<xarray.DataArray (x: 30)>
array([0.00000000e+00, 4.61661813e-02, 1.76139460e-01, 3.65918356e-01,
       5.80457402e-01, 7.80138804e-01, 9.28088451e-01, 9.96985262e-01,
       9.74106426e-01, 8.63676857e-01, 6.86089001e-01, 4.74137072e-01,
       2.66961112e-01, 1.02819215e-01, 1.20225984e-02, 1.13381944e-02,
       1.00892388e-01, 2.64147680e-01, 4.70956575e-01, 6.83128766e-01,
       8.61483534e-01, 9.73085045e-01, 9.97324436e-01, 9.29725546e-01,
       7.82771507e-01, 5.83599545e-01, 3.68989697e-01, 1.78572829e-01,
       4.75122222e-02, 1.01461475e-05])
  * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.1724 0.3448 0.5172 ... 4.483 4.655 4.828 5.0

Our integration function takes an xarray object and coordinate name along which the array to be integrated. The return type is also a DataArray,

# trapz computes definite integration
In [3]: xrscipy.integrate.trapezoid(arr, coord='x')
<xarray.DataArray ()>

# cumurative integration returns a same shaped array
In [4]: integ = xrscipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(arr, 'x')

In [5]: integ
<xarray.DataArray (x: 30)>
array([0.        , 0.00397984, 0.02314412, 0.06987324, 0.15145736,
       0.26875014, 0.41601111, 0.58196574, 0.75188744, 0.91031703,
       1.04391753, 1.14393702, 1.2078248 , 1.23970241, 1.24960257,
       1.25161643, 1.26129148, 1.29276045, 1.35613151, 1.45562162,
       1.58877786, 1.74693032, 1.91679321, 2.08291821, 2.23054726,
       2.34833787, 2.43045763, 2.4776613 , 2.49715139, 2.50124814])
  * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.1724 0.3448 0.5172 ... 4.483 4.655 4.828 5.0

In [6]: arr.plot(label='arr')
Out[6]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fd727f2a990>]

In [7]: integ.plot(label='integration')
Out[7]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fd727f5bc10>]

In [8]: plt.legend()
Out[8]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fd727f69710>

In [9]:

See trapezoid() for other options.


There are slight difference from the original implementations. Our cumulative_trapezoid() always assume initial=0.